Coming Soon to
Victoria Theatre & Cinema Devonport
Coming Soon to
Victoria Theatre & Cinema Devonport
In May, The Vic is proud to be hosting the Tenth Edition of the Italian Film Festival NZ. A curated programme of 25 films that combines the best in contemporary Italian cinema with masterpieces from Italy’s rich cinematic tradition.
7 - 21 May 2025
Opening Night with Gloria! Wednesday 7 May, 7.30pm Arrival, 8pm Film
Films and screening times include:
Wed 7 May
7.30pm Gloria!, 106min
Thu 8 May
12.00pm The Treasure of his Youth: The Photographs of Paolo Di Paolo, 109mins
3.30pm Vermiglio, 120mins
6.00pm Commander (Comandante), 122mins
Fri 9 May
12.00pm In the Mirror (Mi Fanno Male i Capelli), 83mins
6.00pm Maria Montessori, 100mins
8.10pm The Talented Mr Ripley, 139mins
Sat 10 May
12.45pm An Ode to Naples (Posso Entrare), 107mins
3.00pm The English Patient, 160mins
6.10pm L’immensità, 97mins
8.15pm Commander (Comandante), 122mins
Sun 11 May
12.45pm The War of the Nonni (La Guerra Dei Nonni), 96mins
3.00pm Parthenope, 136mins
5.45pm Welcome to the South (Benvenuti Al Sud), 102mins
Mon 12 May
12.00pm The Postino (Il Postino), 108mins
5.15pm Gospel According to Mary (Vangelo Secondo Maria), 105mins
7.30pm A World Apart (Un Mondo a Parte), 112mins
Tue 13 May
12.00pm Trust (Confidenza), 136mins
6.00pm In the Mirror (Mi Fanno Male i Capelli), 83mins
8.00pm My Killer Buddy (Io e il Secco), 99mins
Wed 14 May
12.45pm Youth (La Giovinezza), 124mins
5.30pm The Bohemian (Il Boemo), 137minss
8.10pm Marcello Mio, 121mins
Thu 15 May
12.00pm Ciao Bambino, 109mins
5.45pm Vermiglio, 120mins
8.15pm Family Matters (Sei Fratelli), 103mins
Fri 16 May
12.00pm Life’s a Beach (Come Può Uno Scoglio), 90mins
3.00pm The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate), 112mins
5.30pm The English Patient, 160mins
Sat 17 May
12.45pm The Talented Mr Ripley, 139mins
3.30pm Commander (Comandante), 122mins
6.00pm Welcome to the South (Benvenuti Al Sud), 102mins
8.10pm Gloria!, 106mins
Sun 18 May
12.45pm The Postino (Il Postino), 108mins
3.00pm The Bohemian (Il Boemo), 137mins 5.45pm Youth (La Giovinezza), 124mins
Mon 19 May
12.00pm Family Matters (Sei Fratelli), 103mins
5.15pm The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate), 112mins
7.30pm Ciao Bambino, 97mins
Tue 20 May
12.00pm L’immensità, 97mins 6.00pm An Ode to Naples (Posso Entrare), 107mins
8.15pm Maria Montessori, 100mins
Wed 21 May
12.45pm Marcello Mio, 121mins
5.15pm Parthenope, 136mins
8.00pm A World Apart (Un Mondo a Parte), 112mins